Proud Exhibitor at Seatrade Maritime Qatar 2025: A Showcase of Innovation and Industry Leadership

We are excited to share the news of Capital Register of Shipping successful participation as an exhibitor at the highly anticipated Seatrade Maritime Qatar 2025! This global platform brought together leading maritime companies, innovators and experts and we are proud to have been a part of such an impactful and dynamic experience.

The event offered invaluable opportunities for CRS to showcase our cutting-edge solutions and expertise within the shipping sectors. It was a prime occasion to engage with key figures from the maritime industry, explore the latest trends, and discuss the future of sustainable growth in the shipping world.

Strengthening Industry Connections

Throughout the event, CRS had the privilege of connecting with industry leaders, prospective clients, and partners deepening our relationships and expanding our network in the process.

Innovation and Sustainability at the Forefront

The Seatrade Maritime Qatar 2025 event was the perfect platform to explore strategies for promoting environmental sustainability and enhancing operational efficiency across the maritime supply chain.

Gratitude and Future Collaboration

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visited our booth, showed interest in our work, and engaged in insightful discussions. Your support made our participation even more rewarding. We also extend our appreciation to the event organizers for orchestrating such a well-executed and enriching experience.

Looking forward CRS is excited about the future of maritime trade and the ongoing opportunities for growth and collaboration. Our participation in Seatrade Maritime Qatar 2025 has solidified our commitment to shaping the future of the maritime industry and we look forward to continuing our journey alongside our valued partners and clients.


New Year, New Horizons – Reflecting on Achievements and Embracing the Future

As 2024 ended, we took a moment to proudly look back at the milestones we’ve achieved over the past year. It was a year of growth, expansion, and remarkable accomplishments that have set the stage for an even brighter future.

5 Million Grts of Fleet Reached

4 Flag Audits Satisfactorily Completed

3 New Flag Authorizations Obtained

2 Dual Class Agreements Signed

1 New Regional Office Opened


Looking Ahead to 2025

We’re committed to continuing our journey of growth, innovation, and excellence, embracing new opportunities and overcoming challenges along the way. The future is full of promise, and with the support of our incredible team, partners, and clients, we are confident that the best is yet to come.


A Promising Start to 2025: Continued Growth and New Achievements

As we step into 2025, we are excited to share that the year has already kicked off with some remarkable achievements. The early part of this year has been a testament to the continued dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment that drives Capital Register of Shipping (CRS) forward.


Achieving Excellence: A Satisfactory Audit with the Saint Kitts and Nevis Administration

One of the other milestones in the early days of 2025 was the periodical audit conducted by the Saint Kitts and Nevis administration. This audit, carried out to ensure our continued compliance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) R.O. Code, was completed with satisfactory results. This successful outcome reflects our commitment to upholding the highest standards of safety, quality, and regulatory compliance, ensuring that CRS remains at the forefront of the maritime industry.


Capital Register of Shipping Recognized by P&I Club Hydor AS for Ship Insurance

In a significant development within the maritime industry, the prominent Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Club, Hydor AS, has officially recognized the Capital Register of Shipping as an acceptable class society for insuring ships under their membership. This decision comes after a stringent evaluation based on technical and quality grounds, endorsing the serious approach of CRS to ship classification.


The Capital Register of Shipping is a Recognized Organization (RO) authorized by the Kenya flag to deliver various marine statutory certification services. These services encompass certifications for the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code for vessels registered under the Kenya flag.

This includes certifications for Load Line, Ballast Water Management, Tonnage, Ship Recycling, Antifouling, Maritime Labor, MARPOL, SOLAS, and other codes and conventions under the oversight of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). CRS is also authorized to issue statutory certifications in accordance with Kenya’s national regulations for non-conventional vessels.






The Capital Register of Shipping is a Recognized Organization (RO) authorized by the Tanzania Zanzibar International Register of Shipping to perform a range of marine statutory certification services. This includes the certification related to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code for vessels registered under the Tanzania Zanzibar flag.

Role and Authority:
As a Recognized Organization, the Capital Register of Shipping has been delegated certain responsibilities by the Tanzanian Zanzibar International Register of Shipping. This delegation is in line with international maritime practices where flag states may appoint recognized organizations to carry out inspections, audits, and certifications on their behalf. The Capital Register of Shipping operates under the authority granted to it by the Tanzanian Zanzibar government, ensuring that ships flying the Tanzanian Zanzibar flag comply with both international conventions and national regulations.

Scope of Services:
The primary services provided by the Capital Register of Shipping include:

ISM Certification: The International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) is an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. The Capital Register of Shipping conducts audits and issues certificates confirming that a ship’s safety management system complies with the ISM Code.

ISPS Certification: The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. The Capital Register of Shipping is responsible for assessing the security measures of ships and ensuring compliance with the ISPS Code.

Statutory Certifications: In addition to ISM and ISPS certifications, the Capital Register of Shipping may perform other statutory inspections and issue certificates related to the ship’s structure, equipment, and operations as required under various International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions such as SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea), MARPOL (Marine Pollution), and others.

Compliance with International and National Regulations:
The Capital Register of Shipping ensures that vessels comply with the relevant IMO conventions, including but not limited to SOLAS, MARPOL, and Load Line Conventions. Furthermore, they must also ensure adherence to the national maritime laws and regulations of Zanzibar, Tanzania.

No Tonnage Limitation:
One of the key aspects of the Capital Register of Shipping’s authority is that there is no tonnage limitation on the vessels they can certify. This means that they are authorized to certify ships of all sizes, from small coastal vessels to large ocean-going ships.

Importance of the Capital Register of Shipping:
The services provided by the Capital Register of Shipping are crucial for maintaining the safety, security, and environmental standards of the maritime industry. By ensuring compliance with international and national regulations, they help in safeguarding lives at sea, protecting the marine environment, and facilitating international trade.

In summary, the Capital Register of Shipping plays a vital role in the global maritime industry by acting on behalf of the Tanzanian Zanzibar International Register of Shipping to provide essential certification services for ships under its flag. This ensures that Tanzanian Zanzibar-flagged vessels meet the highest standards of safety, security, and environmental protection.


Classification societies play a vital role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and quality of ships and offshore structures, provides services such as surveying, inspection, and certification to assess and verify compliance with international maritime regulations and industry standards. While there isn’t a specific quality certification exclusively for classification societies, these organizations undergo various accreditation and certification processes to demonstrate their competence and adherence to industry best practices.

Capital Register of Shipping (CRS Class), a fast-growing classification society, has been successfully audited under the latest quality management system standard (ISO 9001:2015). CRS Class’s ISO 9001:2015 certificate is issued by the prominent management system certification body, QFS Management Systems LLP, who are accredited by International Accreditation Service (IAS). IAS is a United States accreditation body who is a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and a signatory to IAF Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MLA).

The Commercial Director of CRS Class Ms. Gail Stoll said, “We are pleased to receive attestation of our commitment to quality. CRS Class is committed to maintaining quality and consistency in all the services provided to our customers.”

Here are some relevant certifications and accreditations that classification societies may pursue:

International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Membership: The International Association of Classification Societies is an international organization that represents major classification societies worldwide. Membership in IACS signifies that a classification society meets certain standards and is committed to promoting maritime safety and environmental protection


For managing survey and certification activities, Capital Register of Shipping (CRS Class) has recently subscribed to eSIMS, the Electronic Survey Information Management System from FloatSys. The subscription to eSIMS , the Electronic Survey Information Management System from FloatSys, offers several benefits and features for Capital Register of Shipping (CRS Class) in managing survey and certification activities.

Electronic certificates issued through eSIMS are consistent with the format and content required by the relevant international convention or instrument. Electronic certificates can be verified by scanning the QR code or clicking the URL provided in the digital certificates. eSIMS electronic certificates comply with the IMO “Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Certificates” (IMO Circular FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2). The format and the content of the certificate are consistent with the requirements in the conventions and are identical with the paper-based certificates except for the electronic signature. It is not necessary to print and sign the electronic certificate.

Electronic certificates are a convenient way for ship owners and operators to evidence the validity of their ship’s classification and statutory certifications. e-certificates platform reduces administrative time and costs, allowing ship managers to keep their certificates in a single, easily accessible online location. Easy and safe to share with relevant stakeholders, e-certificates ensure operations do not get disrupted by missing documentation. E-certificates provide the added benefit of improving digital efficiency and being more secure than paper certificates, eliminating the risk of misplaced documentation or late delivery. Moreover electronic certificates provide the industry a means to eliminate fraudulent certificates.

General Features

• Role based login for surveyor/auditor, reviewer, admin, shipowner, flag administration.

• Dashboard based on user type/credentials.

• Automated alerts

• Cloud based infrastructure with onsite back up

• Assured information security and disaster recovery measures.

• Verification of the certificates online through QR code or unique ID

• iOS, Android, and windows web-apps


• Eliminates administrative burdens

• Eliminate the necessity for all paper handling tasks

• Eliminates the traditional file storage, organization, and retrieval nightmares

• Eliminates any headaches associated with verifying certificate authenticity

• Eliminates the risk of documentation ever getting lost or destroyed

• Can be easily shared with stakeholders


CRS Class becomes St. Kitts and Nevis Recognized Organization

CRS (Capital Register of Shipping) has become the authorized Recognized Organization for St. Kitts and Nevis for conducting statutory certification of ships according to national and international regulations. This recognition allows CRS to carry out classification and certification services for vessels under the St. Kitts and Nevis Ship Registry, including offshore facilities.

CRS is a classification society that offers a comprehensive range of certification services related to technical standards, safety, and verification procedures. Their services cover various stages of a vessel’s lifecycle, from conception to decommissioning, and they provide constant monitoring throughout.

By classifying a vessel, CRS ensures that it complies with accepted national and international norms. While classification may not be mandatory for all vessel types, it demonstrates adherence to recognized standards and regulations.

Under the authorization from St. Kitts and Nevis, CRS is permitted to perform surveys and issue statutory certificates in various sectors. This includes certifications related to Load Line, Ballast Water Management, Tonnage, Ship Recycling, Antifouling, Maritime Labor, MARPOL, SOLAS, and other codes and conventions governed by the International Labor Office and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). CRS can also issue statutory certifications in compliance with St. Kitts and Nevis national regulations for non-conventional vessels.

St. Kitts and Nevis is known for its St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry, which has been operational since 2005. It has registered a significant number of vessels and has a positive reputation for efficient and reliable services. The registry operates through a network of Maritime Registrars, providing local support and facilitating ship and mortgage registrations within clients’ time zones.

CRS, as a recognized maritime service provider, will work in collaboration with the St. Kitts and Nevis Ship Registry to offer comprehensive solutions to clients. Their services extend beyond vessels to floating facilities falling under the registry’s jurisdiction.

Overall, this recognition solidifies CRS’s role in providing classification services, statutory certifications, engineering solutions, audit services, and compliance solutions for the maritime industry, while also contributing to the offerings of the St. Kitts and Nevis Ship Registry.


CRS Class (Capital Register of Shipping) has become the authorized and recognized organization of the Ministry of Transport, represented by the Government of The Republic of Cameroon. CRS Class will now perform survey and certification services for vessels registered in Cameroon, adhering to the Central African Economic & Monetary Community (CEMAC) Merchant Shipping Code and complying with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations.

Here are the key details regarding CRS Class’s operational authorization and collaboration with the Republic of Cameroon:

Authorization and Certification: CRS Class is authorized to certify and oversee the construction, maintenance, and decommissioning of vessels across different categories. They can issue certifications and conduct evaluations and regulatory surveys throughout the lifecycle of a vessel. The certifications cover various aspects of safety regulations for cargo, passenger, and special vessels, following both national and international standards. CRS Class is authorized to issue certifications such as Tonnage, Load Line, Compliance of Special Requirement, Authorization of Carriage & Cargo, International Safety & Security, IAPP (International Air Pollution Prevention) & EIAPP (Engine International Air Pollution Prevention), and more, in accordance with SOLAS, MARPOL, IMO, BHC, IGC, GC, and other relevant codes.

Ministry of Transport of The Republic of Cameroon: The Ministry of Transport of The Republic of Cameroon is responsible for overseeing transportation activities, including land, air, and maritime transport within the country. It formulates and implements legislative and statutory measures to ensure transport safety.

Collaboration and Cooperation: CRS Class will work closely with the Ministry of Transport of The Republic of Cameroon to ensure the safety, security, and enforcement of international and national rules and regulations in the maritime sector. They will cooperate with the government to develop rules and regulations through local liaison meetings. CRS Class will also exchange data with the government regarding audits, certifications, evaluations, and other services provided. Transparent communication between CRS Class and the government will positively impact the safety and security of vessels, onboard cargo, and passengers.

Commitment to World-Class Services: CRS Class is committed to providing world-class services in audit, classification, and maintenance across various sectors of the maritime industry. With this partnership with the Government of The Republic of Cameroon, CRS Class will continue to uphold the highest standards in their system to ensure client satisfaction.

This recognition and collaboration between CRS Class and the Government of The Republic of Cameroon will contribute to the safe and efficient operations of vessels registered in Cameroon and ensure compliance with international and national regulations.


CRS (Capital Register of Shipping) has become authorized and recognized by the Ministry of Roads and Transport, Republic of South Sudan. CRS Class is now responsible for issuing statutory certificates and conducting statutory surveys for vessels operating under the flag of South Sudan. This authorization also extends to future developments and the organization of the maritime sector and waterways in the Republic of South Sudan.

Here are the key details regarding CRS Class’s recognition and operational authorization in the Republic of South Sudan:

CRS Classification Society: CRS Class follows strict guidelines in maritime management to ensure the safety and security of vessels and offshore facilities. They are committed to providing high standards in the services they offer and work with worldwide administrations to ensure efficient classification and management systems in accordance with international standards. CRS excels in audits and surveys, following internationalized standards to deliver accurate results. They offer classification services for both commercial and personal vessels, ensuring compliance with regulations and protocols to prioritize the safety and security of those on board.

Operational Authorization: CRS is authorized to operate in various sectors as per the agreement. They are allowed to conduct audits and surveys for all types of vessels as required. Statutory certification and classification of vessels will be carried out in accordance with the governing laws of the Republic of South Sudan, maintaining national and international regulations and protocols. CRS will actively support the growth of the maritime sector, contribute to the proper development of waterways, and participate in the training of staff.

Ministry of Roads and Transport, Republic of South Sudan: The Ministry of Roads and Transport is the authority responsible for waterways and the marine sector in the Republic of South Sudan. They oversee the operation of inland waterways and manage vessels that operate under the flag of South Sudan. Although the country is landlocked, it has access to ports via waterways for small vessels on a seasonal basis. The waterways and vessels maintained by the Ministry contribute to connecting different parts of the country and drive economic growth. The development of waterways and the maritime sector will create new opportunities for trade and financial growth.

Support and Development: CRS Class will provide support and contribute to the growth and development of the nation’s ship registry under the Ministry of Roads and Transport, Republic of South Sudan. They will offer proper training to staff members according to International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards. CRS has a strong presence in providing classification and other maritime sector-related services worldwide. Their extensive network is constantly updated to ensure relevance and uninterrupted service to clients.

With CRS Class’s recognition by the Ministry of Roads and Transport, Republic of South Sudan, there will be enhanced support, growth, and development in the maritime sector, ensuring compliance with international standards and promoting the safety and security of vessels operating under the South Sudan flag.


CRS (Capital Register of Shipping) has been authorized by the Government of the Union of Comoros to issue statutory certificates and conduct statutory surveys for vessels registered under the Comorian Registry. CRS Class has received written consent for each case to perform the following surveys:

1. Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (for vessels under 500 GT)

2. Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelephony Certificate (for vessels under 300 GT)

3. Towage Certificate

4. Class Certificate

5. International Load Line Certificate

6. Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate

7. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate

8. Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate

9. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate

10. International Air Pollution Prevention Statement of Compliance

11. International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate

12. International Energy Efficiency Statement of Compliance

13. International Anti-fouling Systems Statement of Compliance

14. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Statement of Compliance

15. Document of Compliance according to the ISM Code

16. Safety Management Certificate

17. International Ship Security Certificate

18. Ship Security Plan and Associated Records

19. Maritime Labor Statement of Compliance

20. International Ballast Water Management Statement of Compliance (Provisional only)

21. Document of Authorization for the Carriage of Grain

22. International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Statement of Compliance

23. International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk

24. Safety Certificate for Pleasure Vessels

25. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate

26. Document of Compliance for the carriage of Dangerous Goods

27. High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate

28. Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate

29. International Tonnage Certificate (Provisional only)

30. IMO Data Collection System for Fuel Oil Consumption of Ships

31. Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate

32. Polar Ship Certificate

33. Offshore Supply Vessel Document of Compliance

34. International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

35. International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk

36. Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

37. Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk

38. Dynamically Supported Craft Construction and Equipment Certificate

39. Diving System Safety Certificate

40. Document of Compliance for Garbage Prevention

CRS Class will collaborate closely with the Government of the Union of Comoros to ensure the safety, security, and proper enforcement of international and national rules and regulations in the maritime sector. Transparent communication between CRS Class and the government will positively impact the safety and security of vessels, cargo, and passengers. CRS Class is dedicated to providing world-class services in audits, classification, and maintenance across various sectors of the maritime industry. With this authorization, CRS Class will deliver exceptional support and services to its clients, upholding the highest standards in its system to ensure client satisfaction.